基于增強現(xiàn)實的3D辦公系統(tǒng)—IFFICE (一等獎作品)
本文引用地址:http://m.ptau.cn/article/133027.htm3D Office System Based on Augmented Reality—IFFICE
李 浩 弋 方 靳瀟杰
西安電子科技大學(Xidian University)
摘要:該系統(tǒng)基于Intel(R) Atom(TM) 處理器的嵌入式平臺開發(fā),以增強現(xiàn)實技術為核心。通過將虛擬物體疊加到真實場景中,創(chuàng)建了一個3D可視化的辦公環(huán)境,用戶可直接操作這些虛擬物體。本系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn)了多種辦公功能,如文本閱讀編輯、電話呼叫、音視頻播放、在線會議等。本系統(tǒng)旨在為用戶提供一個移動辦公環(huán)境,為用戶節(jié)省了空間,提高了硬件設備的共享率,實現(xiàn)了全新的人機交互方式,為用戶帶來了輕松便捷的辦公體驗。在教育、商務、娛樂等諸多領域有較好的應用前景。該系統(tǒng)充分發(fā)揮嵌入式平臺功耗低和移動性強的優(yōu)勢,使得貼身辦公室的設想成為現(xiàn)實。
Abstract:This thesis introduces an Augmented Reality (AR) system named IFFICE, which is developed on Intel(R) Atom(TM) based embedded platform with Moblin operating system. AR technology is the overlay of virtual computer graphic images on the real world, with which IFFICE builds a 3D office enviroment for users to work in through a Head-Mounted Display (HMD). IFFICE accomplishes document handling,telephone calling,video playing,online conference and other office applications. This system aims to create a brand-new Human-Computer Interface,under which users can work more efficiently and comfortably,and the mobility of Atom platform ensures that users can work anywhere. IFFICE reflects the future office concept, and can also be applied into many other fields,such as education,business,entertainment etc. The system fully utilizes the advantage of the low power consumption and strong mobility characteristics of the embedded platform,and provides an office environment for users to work anywhere and anytime.
Keywords:Embedded Platform,Augmented Reality,Computer vision,Mobile Office