塵埃落定 完滿解決!英特爾官方對于13/14代酷睿臺式機處理器調查結果出爐
目前英特爾已經啟動對于不穩(wěn)定問題影響的英特爾酷睿第13代和第14代酷睿處理器的售后,售后延長至5年時間,并且對于散裝處理器也可以嘗試去聯(lián)系你的購買渠道,保證讓消費者沒有后顧之憂,這次的第13代和第14代酷睿臺式機處理器的解決方案已經塵埃落定,官方也給出了現階段最大的誠意和最??好的解決方案。同時英特爾確保后續(xù)的新品,包括Lunar Lake和Arrow Lake均不受最 低運行電壓偏移不穩(wěn)定問題的影響。
Vmin Shift Instability Issue Root Cause Update
最 低運行電壓偏移不穩(wěn)定問題的根本原因更新
Following extensive investigation of the Intel? Core 13th and 14th Gen??desktop processor Vmin Shift Instability issue, Intel can now confirm the root??cause diagnosis for the issue. This post will cover Intel’s understanding of the??root cause, as well as additional mitigations and next steps for Intel? Core??13th and 14th Gen desktop users.
在對英特爾?酷睿第13代和第14代臺式機處理器“Vmin Shift Instability”最??低運行電壓偏移不穩(wěn)定問題進行全面調查后,英特爾現已確定該問題的根本原因。以下內容將介紹英特爾對問題根本原因的理解,以及針對英特爾?酷睿第13代和第14代臺式機用戶的其他緩解措施和下一步行動。
Vmin Shift Instability Root Cause
Intel? has localized the Vmin Shift Instability issue to a clock tree??circuit within the IA core which is particularly vulnerable to reliability aging??under elevated voltage and temperature. Intel has observed these conditions can??lead to a duty cycle shift of the clocks and observed system instability.
Intel has identified four (4) operating scenarios that can lead to Vmin??shift in affected processors:
英特爾已經確定了4種會導致受影響處理器最 低運行電壓偏移的操作場景:
1. Motherboard power delivery settings exceeding Intel power guidance.
- Mitigation: Intel Default Settings recommendations for Intel Core 13th??and 14th Gen desktop processors.
- 緩解措施:符合英特爾酷睿第13代和第14代臺式機處理器的Intel Default Settings設置建議。
2. eTVB Microcode algorithm which was allowing Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen??i9 desktop processors to operate at higher performance states even at high??temperatures.
- Mitigation: microcode 0x125 (June 2024) addresses eTVB algorithm??issue.
- 緩解措施:微代碼0x125(2024年6月)解決了eTVB算法問題。
3. Microcode SVID algorithm requesting high voltages at a frequency and??duration which can cause Vmin shift.
頻繁和持續(xù)請求高電壓的微代碼SVID算法可能導致最 低運行電壓偏移。
- Mitigation: microcode 0x129 (August 2024) addresses high voltages??requested by the processor.
- 緩解措施:微代碼0x129(2024年8月)解決了處理器請求更高電壓的問題。
4. Microcode and BIOS code requesting elevated core voltages which can??cause Vmin shift especially during periods of idle and/or light activity.
微代碼和BIOS代碼請求升高的核心電壓可能會導致最 低運行電壓偏移,特別是在空閑和/或輕度活動期間。
- Mitigation: microcode 0x12B will address elevated voltage requests by the??processor during idle and/or light activity periods. 0x12B also includes the??mitigations delivered via the 0x125 and 0x129 microcode versions.
- 緩解措施:微代碼0x12B將解決處理器在空閑和/或輕度活動期間的電壓升高需要。0x12B??還包括通過0x125和0x129微代碼版本提供的緩解措施。
Regarding the 0x12B update, Intel? is working with its partners to roll out??the relevant BIOS update to the public.
Intel’s internal testing comparing 0x12B microcode to 0x125 microcode – on??Intel? Core i9-14900K with DDR5 5200MT/s memory1 - indicates performance impact??is within run-to-run variation (ie. Cinebench* R23, Speedometer* 2.1, WebXPRT4*,??Crossmark*). For gaming workloads on Intel? Core i9-14900K with DDR5 5600MT/s??memory2, performance is also within run-to-run variation (ie. Shadow of the Tomb??Raider*, Cyberpunk* 2077, Hitman 3: Dartmoor*, Total War: Warhammer III –??Mirrors of Madness*). However, system performance is dependent on configuration??and several other factors.
Intel? reaffirms that both Intel? Core 13th and 14th Gen mobile processors??and future client product families – including the codename Lunar Lake and Arrow??Lake families - are unaffected by the Vmin Shift Instability issue. We??appreciate our customers’ patience throughout the investigation, as well as our??partners’ support in the analysis and relevant mitigations.
英特爾?再次強調,英特爾?酷睿第13代和第14代移動處理器以及未來的客戶端產品系列(包括代號為Lunar Lake和Arrow Lake系列)均不受最??低運行電壓偏移不穩(wěn)定問題的影響。感謝客戶在整個調查過程中對我們的耐心,也感謝我們的合作伙伴在分析和相關緩解措施方面的支持。
Next Steps
For all Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processor users: the 0x12B??microcode update must be loaded via BIOS update and has been distributed to??system and motherboard manufacturers to incorporate into their BIOS. Intel is??working with its partners to encourage timely validation and rollout of the BIOS??update for systems currently in service. This process may take several??weeks.
Users can check their system/motherboard manufacturer’s website and/or the??Intel? Product Compatibility Tool to see the latest BIOS versions for their??Intel? Core 13th and/or 14th Gen-powered desktop systems:??https://compatibleproducts.intel.com/.
對于目前或者以前經歷過英特爾酷睿第13 /14代臺式機處理器不穩(wěn)定問題,并需要啟動換貨流程的用戶:
1. Processor: Intel? Core i9-14900K, Motherboard: Intel Raptor Lake??Reference Board (M40919), Memory: 64GB DDR5 at 5200MT/s, Storage: ADATA* SU360,??Graphics: Intel? UHD Graphics 770, Graphics Driver Version:,??Display Resolution: 1280x800, Operating System: Windows 11 Pro (version??26100.712).
處理器:英特爾?酷睿i9-14900K,主板:英特爾Raptor Lake參考主板(M40919),內存:5200MT/s的64GB??DDR5,存儲:ADATA*SU360,顯卡:英特爾?UHD Graphics??770,顯卡驅動程序版本:,顯示分辨率:1280x800,操作系統(tǒng):Windows 11 Pro(26100.712版本)。
2. Processor: Intel? Core i9-14900K, Motherboard: Intel Raptor Lake??Reference Board (RVP SR19), Memory: 32GB DDR5 at 5600MT/s, Storage: Samsung* 990??Pro 1TB, Graphics: MSI* RTX 4090 Suprim X, Graphics Driver Version: NVIDIA*??v555.99, Resolution: 1920x1080, Operating System: Windows 11 (version??22631.4169)
處理器:英特爾?酷睿i9-14900K,主板:英特爾Raptor Lake參考主板(RVP SR19),內存:5600MT/s的32GB??DDR5,存儲:三星*990 Pro 1TB,顯卡:MSI*RTX 4090 Suprim??X,顯卡驅動程序版本:NVIDIA*v555.99,分辨率:1920x1080,操作系統(tǒng):Windows 11(22631.4169版本)
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. All??products, computer systems, dates and figures specified are preliminary based on??current expectations, and are subject to change without notice.