Linear LTCR3625可編程超大電容充電方案
The LTCR3625/LTC3625-1 are programmable supercapacitor chargers designed to charge two supercapacitors in series to a fixed output voltage (4.8V/5.3V or 4V/4.5V selectable) from a 2.7V to 5.5V input supply. Automatic cell balancing prevents overvoltage damage to either supercapacitor while maximizing charge rate. No balancing resistors are required.
High efficiency, high charging current, low quiescent current and low minimum external parts count (one inductor, one bypass capacitor at VIN and one programming resistor) make the LTC3625/LTC3625-1 ideally suited for small form factor backup or high peak power systems.
Charging current/maximum input current level is programmed with an external resistor. When the input supply is removed and/or the EN pin is low, the LTC3625/LTC3625-1 automatically enter a low current state, drawing less than 1μA from the supercapacitors.
The LTC3625/LTC3625-1 are available in a compact 12 lead 3mmx ?4mmx?0.75mm DFN package.
High Efficiency Step-Up/Step-Down Charging of Two Series Supercapacitors
Automatic Cell Balancing Prevents Capacitor Overvoltage During Charging
Programmable Charging Current Up to 500mA (Single Inductor), 1A (Dual Inductor)
VIN = 2.7V to 5.5V
Selectable 2.4V/2.65V Regulation per Cell (LTC3625)
Selectable 2V/2.25V Regulation per Cell (LTC3625-1)
Low No-Load Quiescent Current: 23μA
IVOUT, IVIN 1μA in Shutdown
Low Profile 12-lead 3mmx ?4mm DFN Package
Servers, RAID Systems, Mass Storage, High Current Backup Supplies
Solid State Hard Drives
Wireless Power Meters
High Peak Power Boosted Supplies
