void cv::bilateralFilter(InputArray src,
OutputArray dst,
int d,
double sigmaColor,
double sigmaSpace,
int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT
- InputArray src: 輸入圖像,可以是Mat類型,圖像必須是8位整型或浮點型單通道、三通道的圖像。
- OutputArray dst: 輸出圖像,和原圖像有相同的尺寸和類型。
- int d: 表示在過濾過程中每個像素鄰域的直徑范圍。如果這個值是非正數(shù),則函數(shù)會從第五個參數(shù)sigmaSpace計算該值。
- double sigmaColor: 顏色空間過濾器的值,這個參數(shù)的值月大,表明該像素鄰域內(nèi)有越寬廣的顏色會被混合到一起,產(chǎn)生較大的半相等顏色區(qū)域。 (這個參數(shù)可以理解為值域核的 和 )
- double sigmaSpace: 坐標空間中濾波器的sigma值,如果該值較大,則意味著越遠的像素將相互影響,從而使更大的區(qū)域中足夠相似的顏色獲取相同的顏色。當d>0時,d指定了鄰域大小且與sigmaSpace無關,否則d正比于sigmaSpace. (這個參數(shù)可以理解為空間域核的 和 )
- int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT: 用于推斷圖像外部像素的某種邊界模式,有默認值BORDER_DEFAULT.
#include <iostream>#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace std;using namespace cv;
//定義全局變量const int g_ndMaxValue = 100;const int g_nsigmaColorMaxValue = 200;const int g_nsigmaSpaceMaxValue = 200;int g_ndValue;int g_nsigmaColorValue;int g_nsigmaSpaceValue;
Mat g_srcImage;Mat g_dstImage;
//定義回調(diào)函數(shù)void on_bilateralFilterTrackbar(int, void*);
int main(){ g_srcImage = imread("lena.jpg");
//判斷圖像是否加載成功 if(g_srcImage.empty()) { cout << "圖像加載失敗!" << endl; return -1; } else cout << "圖像加載成功!" << endl << endl;
namedWindow("原圖像", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); imshow("原圖像", g_srcImage);
//定義輸出圖像窗口屬性和軌跡條屬性 namedWindow("雙邊濾波圖像", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); g_ndValue = 10; g_nsigmaColorValue = 10; g_nsigmaSpaceValue = 10;
char dName[20]; sprintf(dName, "鄰域直徑 %d", g_ndMaxValue);
char sigmaColorName[20]; sprintf(sigmaColorName, "sigmaColor %d", g_nsigmaColorMaxValue);
char sigmaSpaceName[20]; sprintf(sigmaSpaceName, "sigmaSpace %d", g_nsigmaSpaceMaxValue);
//創(chuàng)建軌跡條 createTrackbar(dName, "雙邊濾波圖像", &g_ndValue, g_ndMaxValue, on_bilateralFilterTrackbar); on_bilateralFilterTrackbar(g_ndValue, 0);
createTrackbar(sigmaColorName, "雙邊濾波圖像", &g_nsigmaColorValue, g_nsigmaColorMaxValue, on_bilateralFilterTrackbar); on_bilateralFilterTrackbar(g_nsigmaColorValue, 0);
createTrackbar(sigmaSpaceName, "雙邊濾波圖像", &g_nsigmaSpaceValue, g_nsigmaSpaceMaxValue, on_bilateralFilterTrackbar); on_bilateralFilterTrackbar(g_nsigmaSpaceValue, 0);
return 0;}
void on_bilateralFilterTrackbar(int, void*){ bilateralFilter(g_srcImage, g_dstImage, g_ndValue, g_nsigmaColorValue, g_nsigmaSpaceValue); imshow("雙邊濾波圖像", g_dstImage);}
導向濾波(Guide Filter)
這里只能是待濾波圖像,并不像那樣可以是其他圖像。同時,之前的系數(shù)用于防止求得的過大,也是調(diào)節(jié)濾波器濾波效果的重要參數(shù)(相當于L2正則化的權重懲罰)。接下來利用最小二乘法的原理令 和 得到2個二元一次方程,求解得到:
其中 是 在窗口的平均值, 是 在窗口 的方差, 是窗口 中的像素個數(shù), 是待濾波圖像在窗口 中的均值。在計算每個窗口的線性系數(shù)時,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn)一個像素會被多個窗口包含,也就是說,每個像素都由多個線性函數(shù)所描述。因此,如之前所說,要具體求某一點的輸出值時,只需將所有包含該點的線性函數(shù)值平均即可,如下:
這里, 是所有包含像素 的窗口, 是其中心位置。
當把引導濾波用作邊緣保持濾波器時,往往有 ,如果 ,顯然是為最小值的解,從上式可以看出,這時的濾波器沒有任何作用,將輸入原封不動的輸出。如果 ,在像素強度變化小的區(qū)域(或單色區(qū)域),有近似于(或等于0,而近似于(或等于) ,即做了一個加權均值濾波;而在變化大的區(qū)域,近似于1,近似于0,對圖像的濾波效果很弱,有助于保持邊緣。而 的作用就是界定什么是變化大,什么是變化小。在窗口大小不變的情況下,隨著的增大,濾波效果越明顯。
void cv::ximgproc::guidedFilter ( InputArray guide,
InputArray src,
OutputArray dst,
int radius,
double eps,
int dDepth = -1
src | 待濾波圖像 |
dst | 輸出圖像 |
radius | 導向濾波的窗口 |
eps | 正則化參數(shù) |
dDepth | 可選,圖像的深度參數(shù) |
import numpy as npimport scipy as spimport scipy.ndimage
def box(img, r): """ O(1) box filter img - >= 2d image r - radius of box filter """ (rows, cols) = img.shape[:2] imDst = np.zeros_like(img)
tile = [1] * img.ndim tile[0] = r imCum = np.cumsum(img, 0) imDst[0:r+1, :, ...] = imCum[r:2*r+1, :, ...] imDst[r+1:rows-r, :, ...] = imCum[2*r+1:rows, :, ...] - imCum[0:rows-2*r-1, :, ...] imDst[rows-r:rows, :, ...] = np.tile(imCum[rows-1:rows, :, ...], tile) - imCum[rows-2*r-1:rows-r-1, :, ...]
tile = [1] * img.ndim tile[1] = r imCum = np.cumsum(imDst, 1) imDst[:, 0:r+1, ...] = imCum[:, r:2*r+1, ...] imDst[:, r+1:cols-r, ...] = imCum[:, 2*r+1 : cols, ...] - imCum[:, 0 : cols-2*r-1, ...] imDst[:, cols-r: cols, ...] = np.tile(imCum[:, cols-1:cols, ...], tile) - imCum[:, cols-2*r-1 : cols-r-1, ...]
return imDst
def _gf_color(I, p, r, eps, s=None): """ Color guided filter I - guide image (rgb) p - filtering input (single channel) r - window radius eps - regularization (roughly, variance of non-edge noise) s - subsampling factor for fast guided filter """ fullI = I fullP = p if s is not None: I = sp.ndimage.zoom(fullI, [1/s, 1/s, 1], order=1) p = sp.ndimage.zoom(fullP, [1/s, 1/s], order=1) r = round(r / s)
h, w = p.shape[:2] N = box(np.ones((h, w)), r)
mI_r = box(I[:,:,0], r) / N mI_g = box(I[:,:,1], r) / N mI_b = box(I[:,:,2], r) / N
mP = box(p, r) / N
# mean of I * p mIp_r = box(I[:,:,0]*p, r) / N mIp_g = box(I[:,:,1]*p, r) / N mIp_b = box(I[:,:,2]*p, r) / N
# per-patch covariance of (I, p) covIp_r = mIp_r - mI_r * mP covIp_g = mIp_g - mI_g * mP covIp_b = mIp_b - mI_b * mP
# symmetric covariance matrix of I in each patch: # rr rg rb # rg gg gb # rb gb bb var_I_rr = box(I[:,:,0] * I[:,:,0], r) / N - mI_r * mI_r; var_I_rg = box(I[:,:,0] * I[:,:,1], r) / N - mI_r * mI_g; var_I_rb = box(I[:,:,0] * I[:,:,2], r) / N - mI_r * mI_b;
var_I_gg = box(I[:,:,1] * I[:,:,1], r) / N - mI_g * mI_g; var_I_gb = box(I[:,:,1] * I[:,:,2], r) / N - mI_g * mI_b;
var_I_bb = box(I[:,:,2] * I[:,:,2], r) / N - mI_b * mI_b;
a = np.zeros((h, w, 3)) for i in range(h): for j in range(w): sig = np.array([ [var_I_rr[i,j], var_I_rg[i,j], var_I_rb[i,j]], [var_I_rg[i,j], var_I_gg[i,j], var_I_gb[i,j]], [var_I_rb[i,j], var_I_gb[i,j], var_I_bb[i,j]] ]) covIp = np.array([covIp_r[i,j], covIp_g[i,j], covIp_b[i,j]]) a[i,j,:] = np.linalg.solve(sig + eps * np.eye(3), covIp)
b = mP - a[:,:,0] * mI_r - a[:,:,1] * mI_g - a[:,:,2] * mI_b
meanA = box(a, r) / N[...,np.newaxis] meanB = box(b, r) / N
if s is not None: meanA = sp.ndimage.zoom(meanA, [s, s, 1], order=1) meanB = sp.ndimage.zoom(meanB, [s, s], order=1)
q = np.sum(meanA * fullI, axis=2) + meanB
return q
def _gf_gray(I, p, r, eps, s=None): """ grayscale (fast) guided filter I - guide image (1 channel) p - filter input (1 channel) r - window raidus eps - regularization (roughly, allowable variance of non-edge noise) s - subsampling factor for fast guided filter """ if s is not None: Isub = sp.ndimage.zoom(I, 1/s, order=1) Psub = sp.ndimage.zoom(p, 1/s, order=1) r = round(r / s) else: Isub = I Psub = p
(rows, cols) = Isub.shape
N = box(np.ones([rows, cols]), r)
meanI = box(Isub, r) / N meanP = box(Psub, r) / N corrI = box(Isub * Isub, r) / N corrIp = box(Isub * Psub, r) / N varI = corrI - meanI * meanI covIp = corrIp - meanI * meanP
a = covIp / (varI + eps) b = meanP - a * meanI
meanA = box(a, r) / N meanB = box(b, r) / N
if s is not None: meanA = sp.ndimage.zoom(meanA, s, order=1) meanB = sp.ndimage.zoom(meanB, s, order=1)
q = meanA * I + meanB return q
def _gf_colorgray(I, p, r, eps, s=None): """ automatically choose color or gray guided filter based on I's shape """ if I.ndim == 2 or I.shape[2] == 1: return _gf_gray(I, p, r, eps, s) elif I.ndim == 3 and I.shape[2] == 3: return _gf_color(I, p, r, eps, s) else: print("Invalid guide dimensions:", I.shape)
def guided_filter(I, p, r, eps, s=None): """ run a guided filter per-channel on filtering input p I - guide image (1 or 3 channel) p - filter input (n channel) r - window raidus eps - regularization (roughly, allowable variance of non-edge noise) s - subsampling factor for fast guided filter """ if p.ndim == 2: p3 = p[:,:,np.newaxis]
out = np.zeros_like(p3) for ch in range(p3.shape[2]): out[:,:,ch] = _gf_colorgray(I, p3[:,:,ch], r, eps, s) return np.squeeze(out) if p.ndim == 2 else out
def test_gf(): import imageio cat = imageio.imread('cat.bmp').astype(np.float32) / 255 tulips = imageio.imread('tulips.bmp').astype(np.float32) / 255
r = 8 eps = 0.05
cat_smoothed = guided_filter(cat, cat, r, eps) cat_detail = cat / cat_smoothed print(cat_detail.shape) cat_smoothed_s4 = guided_filter(cat, cat, r, eps, s=4)
imageio.imwrite('cat_smoothed.png', cat_smoothed) imageio.imwrite('cat_smoothed_s4.png', cat_smoothed_s4) imageio.imwrite('cat_smoothed_detailed.png',cat_detail)
tulips_smoothed4s = np.zeros_like(tulips) tulips_detailed = np.zeros_like(tulips) for i in range(3): tulips_smoothed4s[:,:,i] = guided_filter(tulips, tulips[:,:,i], r, eps, s=4)
tulips_detailed = tulips / tulips_smoothed4s imageio.imwrite('tulips_detailed.png',tulips_detailed) imageio.imwrite('tulips_smoothed4s.png', tulips_smoothed4s)
tulips_smoothed = np.zeros_like(tulips) for i in range(3): tulips_smoothed[:,:,i] = guided_filter(tulips, tulips[:,:,i], r, eps) imageio.imwrite('tulips_smoothed.png', tulips_smoothed)
if __name__ == '__main__': test_gf()