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凌特公司(linear 文章 進入凌特公司(linear技術社區(qū)

凌特推出以太網供電接口控制器簡化采用IEEE 802.3af標準的用電設備設計

  • 日前, 凌特公司(Linear Technology)宣布推出以其業(yè)界領先的Hot SwapTM 技術而設計的LTC4257以太網供電接口控制器,這款器件實際上包含了所有必需的電路以連接用電設備到按照IEEE 802.3af標準供電的以太網。這供電電壓為-48V的接口控制器具備標記電阻、可編程分級、電源開關、浪涌電流限制和故障保護等多項功能,極大地簡化了用電設備的設計。LTC4257可與凌特公司的多種DC/DC轉換器直接連接,為IP電話、無線接入點和其他用電設備(PD)提供了具成本效益的電源解決方案。
  • 關鍵字: 凌特公司  


  • 凌特公司(Linear Technology)宣布已經通過滿足全球汽車工業(yè)質量要求的認證。獲得針對汽車供應商的 TS16949 質量管理系統(tǒng)證書后,凌特公司成為首批被認證為滿足美國、歐洲和亞洲汽車工業(yè)嚴格要求的半導體公司之一。此外,凌特公司還通過了 ISO9001 : 2000 認證,這是授予各公司的最高級別質量證書。對凌特公司的認證是由德國慕尼黑 TUV 管理服務組織施行的。TUV 對凌特公司進行了徹底的審計,確定凌特滿足汽車工業(yè)的國際質量標準。凌特公司負責質量與可靠性的副總裁 Paul Chantal
  • 關鍵字: 凌特公司  


  • 凌特公司(Linear Technology)宣布推出高效快速照相閃光燈電容充電器 LT3468。LT3468 是一個獨立的解決方案,用于照相閃光燈電容充電,所需線路板面積最小,無需軟件開發(fā)。LT3468 能迅速有效地給高壓(一般為 320 V)照相閃光燈電容充電。這個器件既可用于數字相機,也可用于膠片相機,采用限流回掃拓撲結構。它可用 3.6V 電池在 4.6 秒內將一個 100uF 電容充到 320V。LT3468 具有受控的 1.4A 峰值電流,與標準回掃變壓器配合使用,能以高于 80% 的效率對任
  • 關鍵字: 凌特公司  封裝  


  • Linear Technology introduces the LTC2433-1 a low noise, low cost, 16-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The LTC2433-1 offers exceptional noise performance of 1.45µVRMS, enabling 16-bit performance over a wide reference range of 100mV to 5V. A 10
  • 關鍵字: linear  


  • 引言許多通訊、服務器和其他應用領域都需要多輸出電壓的隔離電源,但是對所有的輸出電壓都提供嚴密調節(jié)是令電源設計工程師們頭疼的事。一般的,設計者在每個輔助輸出端加一個線性調節(jié)器,但線性調節(jié)器的效率非常低,限制了它的低輸出電流應用。另一個選擇是用一個降壓轉換器作為后調節(jié)器。這種方法有較好的效率,但是如果后調節(jié)器在初級輸出端級聯(lián)的話,電源需要一個更大的輸出電感和電容,或者如果用多個副線圈的話將需要附加的整流器、電感和電容器。附加的電源轉換級和元器件增加了傳導損耗。另一個選擇是用磁放大后調節(jié)器,它的效率很高,特別是
  • 關鍵字: Linear  電源  模擬IC  電源  


  • Linear Technology Corporation announces the LTC3722, a zero voltage switching (ZVS) phase shifted full bridge power supply controller intended for isolated offline and distributed power supplies of 200W up to several kilowatts. It offers fixed frequency o
  • 關鍵字: Linear  


  • Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC1743, a 50Msps, 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) designed to digitize high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. Communications and high definition imaging applications needing wide dynamic range wi
  • 關鍵字: Linear  


  • Linear Technology announces the LT1766EFE and LT1956EFE, two constant frequency step-down switching regulators that include a 1.5A internal switch. Both switching regulators operate within a VIN range of 5.5V to 60V, and can deliver up to 1.25A of continu
  • 關鍵字: Linear  


  • Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4008, a 4A multi-cell, multi-chemistry battery pack charger with a solution size of only 5.6cm?(50% smaller than conventional high power battery charger designs). The LTC4008 also reduces the cost of a charg
  • 關鍵字: Linear  

First Micropower Boost Converter

  • Linear Technology announces the LT3464, a high efficiency, micropower boost converter with an integrated Schottky diode and output disconnect transistor. The LT3464 utilizes a current limited, constant off-time switching topology with an 85mA internal swi
  • 關鍵字: Linear  

Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4054

  • Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4054, a single-cell linear Li-Ion battery charger with on-board charge termination circuitry and power transistor housed in a 5-lead 1mm high SOT-23 (ThinSOT?) package. The LTC4054 can deliver up to 800mA ch
  • 關鍵字: Linear  

USB Power Manager Reduces Battery Charging Time

  • USB Power Manager Reduces Battery Charging Time MILPITAS, CA ?February 4, 2003 ?Linear Technology Corporation introduces the LTC4410, a USB power manager IC in a ThinSOT™ package, which enables simultaneous battery charging and system operation of a
  • 關鍵字: linear  


  • Linear Technology introduces the LTC2412, a 24-bit No Latency Delta Sigma?ADC that offers two fully differential input channels and a differential reference input. Low noise of 800nVRMS provides 22.5 effective number of bits (ENOBs) over a ?.5V span and 1
  • 關鍵字: linear  


  • MILPITAS, CA – December 3, 2002 – Linear Technology introduces the LTC1861L and LTC1865L, 3V, two- channel 12-bit and 16-bit, 150ksps Analog to Digital Converters available in tiny 10-Lead MSOP packages. They draw only 450
  • 關鍵字: Linear  

Linear announces a new switching regulator

  • Linear technology announces the LTC3413, a high efficiency, monolithic synchronous step-down switching regulator that is capable of generating a bus termination voltage for DDR/DDR2 memory applications. It has the ability to source or sink up to 3A of out
  • 關鍵字: Linear  
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