face to face dimension,端面距尺寸
facsimile seismograph,傳真式地震儀
factory communication,工廠通信
factory information protocol,工廠信息協(xié)議
Fahrenheit temperature scale,華氏溫標
fail safe,換效安全
fail tree analysis,失效樹分析
failure diagnosis,失效診斷
failure mechanism,失效機理
failure mode,失效率
failure recognition,失效識別
failure valve position,閥斷源位置
failure cable,流線型拖纜
fall time,下降時間
falling coaxial cylinder viscometer,同軸圓筒下落粘度計
falling sphere viscometer,落球粘度計
false strain,虛假應變
fanning mill anemometer,葉輪式風速表
far field,遠場
far infra-red radiant element,遠紅外副射元件
far infrared radiation,遠紅外輻射
Faraday cage,靜電屏蔽
farinfrared spectrophotometer,遠紅外分光光度計
fast atom bombardment,(FAB),快速原子轟擊
faster-than-real-time simulation,超實時仿真
fatigue characteristic,疲勞特性
fatigue failure,疲勞破裂
fatibue life,疲勞壽命
fatigue limit,疲勞極限
fatigue strain gauge,疲勞應變計
fatigue testing machine,疲勞試驗機
feasibility study,可行性研究
feasible cooordination,可行協(xié)調(diào)
feasible region,可行域
feature detection,特征檢測
feedback compensation,反饋補償
feedback control,反饋控制
feedback controller,反饋控制器
feedback elements,反饋元件
feedback gain,反饋增益
feedback loop,反饋回路
feedback path,反饋通路
feedback signal,反饋信號
feedforward compensation,前饋補償
feedforward control,前饋控制下
feedforward path,前饋通路
ferrodynamic galvanometer,鐵磁電動系振動子
ferrodynamic instrument,鐵磁電動系儀表
FET gas transducer[sensor],場效應(管)濕度傳感器
fiber communication,光纖通信
fiducial error,引用誤差
fiducial value,引用值;基值
field balancing,現(xiàn)場平衡
field balancing equipment,現(xiàn)場平衡設備
field coil,勵磁線圈
field controller,磁場控制器
field data,現(xiàn)場數(shù)據(jù)
field desorption(FD),場解吸
field emission electron image,場發(fā)射電子象
field emission gun,場發(fā)射電子槍
field emission microscope,場發(fā)射顯微鏡
field ion emission microscope,場離子發(fā)射顯微鏡
field ionization source;FI source,場電離源
field test,現(xiàn)場試驗
field of view,視場
field rdliability test,現(xiàn)場可靠性試驗
field stop,視場光欄
field sweeping,場掃描
field-frequency lock,場頻鎖
fieldbus control system(FCS),現(xiàn)場總線控制系統(tǒng)
filament image,燈絲象
filar suspended galvanometer,懸絲式檢流計
file maintenance,文卷維護
fill factor,占空因子;填充率
filled system thermometer,壓力式溫度計
filled thermal system,充灌式感溫系統(tǒng)
film recording thermograph,照相溫度(表)
film sample,薄膜樣品
film varstor,膜式電壓敏電阻器
filter device,濾光裝置
filtered electron image,過濾電子象
filtered electron lens,過濾電子透鏡
final controlling element,終端控制元件;執(zhí)行器
final state,終態(tài)
final controlling element,終端控制元件;執(zhí)行器
final state,終態(tài)
final temperature,終了溫度終止溫度
Fineman nephoscope,法因曼測云器
finte automaton,有限自動機
fire behaviour,著火性能
fire integrity,整體著火性
fire resistance,耐火性 fire stability,對火穩(wěn)定性 firmware,固件 fish finder,魚探儀 fitting,管件
five-component borehole magnetometer,井中五分量磁測井儀
fixed core,定鐵芯
fixed points method of calibration,定點法標定
fixed resistance input type volt ratio box,定阻輸入式分壓箱
fixed resistance output type volt ratio box,定阻輸出式分壓箱
fixed set point control,定值控制
fixed set point control system,定值控制系統(tǒng)
rixed-based natural frequency,固定基礎固有頻率
flame emission spectrometry,火焰發(fā)射光譜法
flame ionization detector(FID),火焰離子化檢測器
flame photometric detector(FPD),火焰光度檢測器
flame proof enclsoure(Ex d),隔爆外殼(Ex d)
flame temperature detector,火焰溫度檢測器
flange pressure tappings,法蘭取壓口
flanged ends,法蘭連接端
flangeless ends,無法蘭連接端
flangeless valve,無法蘭閥
flaw echo,缺陷反射波
flaw resolution,缺陷分辨力
flaw sensitivity,缺陷靈敏度
flexible disk,軟磁盤
flexible manufacturing system,柔性制造系統(tǒng)
flexible rotor,柔性轉子
flexural critical speed,撓曲臨界轉速
flexural principl mode,撓曲主振型
float and cable level measuring device,浮標和纜索式液閏測量裝置
float barograph,浮子氣壓計
float level measuring device,浮子液位測量裝置
float level reguator,浮子型液位調(diào)節(jié)閥
float level transducer[sensor],浮子—干簧管液位傳感器
float tide gauge,浮子式驗潮儀
floating accelerometer,重力式測波儀
floating ball,浮置輸入
floating output,浮置輸出
floppy disk drive,軟磁盤機
flow chart,流程圖表
flow coefficient,流量系數(shù)
flow conditioner[straightener],流動調(diào)整器[整直器]
flow control,流量控制
flow corrector,流量修正器
flow diagram,流程圖
flow elbow,流量彎管
flow measurement calibration device,流量測量校準裝置
flow measuring device,流量測量裝置
flow nozzle,流量噴嘴
flow profile,流動剖面
flow rate of mobile phase,流動相流速
flow sihnal,流量信號
flow stabilizer,流量穩(wěn)定器
flow switch,流量開關
flow to close,流關
flow to open,流開 flow transducer[sensor],流量傳感器
flow-rate range,流量范圍
fluid damping galvanometer,液體阻尼振動子
fluidic flowmeter,射流流量計
fluorescence detector,熒光檢測器
fluorescence effect,熒光效應
fluorescent image,熒光象
flurescent magnetic partcle,熒光磁粉
fluorescent magnetic particle inspection machine,熒光磁粉探傷機
fluorescent penetrant festing method,熒光滲透探傷法
fluorine plastic,氟塑料
fluorine rubber(viton),氟橡膠
fluorometer,熒光計 flush mounted(pressure)gauge,,嵌裝壓力表
flux constant,磁通常數(shù)
flux meter,磁通表
flux of radiation,輻射通量
fluxgate compass,磁通門羅盤
fluxgate magnetometer,磁通門磁力儀;磁通門磁強計
fluxmeter calibrator,磁通表校驗儀
focal distance,焦距
focal plane,焦平面
focal point,焦點
focus size,焦點尺寸
focus-to-film distance,焦距
focusing type probe,聚焦探頭
foil strain gauge,箔式應變計
folding chart[paper],折疊式記錄紙
follow-up control,隨動控制
follow-up pointer,從動針
food analyzer,食品分析儀
force-balance acceleration transducer,力平衡式加速度傳感器
force-balance accelerometer,力平衡式加速度計
force convection,強近對流
force standard machine,力標準機
force transducer[sensor],力傳感器
forced vibration,強迫振動;受迫振動
foregraound,前臺 foreground processing,前臺處理
foreground program,前臺程序
form factor,波形因數(shù)
Fortin barometer,福丁氣壓表
forward channel,正向信道
Foundation Fieldbus(FF),基金會現(xiàn)場總線;FF總線
four-terminal standard resistor,四端(鈕)標準電阻器
Fourier transform,傅里葉變換
Fouier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spertrometer (FT-ICR-MS), 傅立葉變換離子回旋共振質(zhì)譜計
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry,傅立葉變換紅外光譜法
Fourier transform spectrometer,傅里葉變換光譜儀
fracture toughness,斷裂韌性
fragment ion,碎片離子
frqgmentation pattern,碎裂圖型
frame,幀 framework,框架
free falling STD profilinge system,自返式溫鹽深剖面儀
free field,自由聲場
free field correction curves,自由場修正曲線
free-field frequency response of microphone,傳聲器自由聲場頻率響應
free feild reciprocity calibration,自由聲場互易校準
free-field sensitivity of microphone,傳聲器自由聲場靈敏度
free induction decay signal;FID signal,自由感應衰減信號
free oscillating period,自由振動周期
free swing of pendulum,擺錘空擊
free vehicle respirometer,活動式海底生物呼吸測量器
free vibration,自由振動
freezing heat,凝固熱
freezing point,凝固點
frequency-amplitude characteristic,幅頻特性
frequency analysis,頻率分析
frequency analyzer,頻率分析儀
frequency band,頻帶
frequency distrbution,頻率分布
frequency division multiplexing,頻分多路傳輸
frequency domain,頻域
frequency domain analysis,頻域分析
frequency domain method,頻域法
frequency domain model reduction method,頻域模型降價法
frequency index,頻率指數(shù)
frequency measurement by comparison with time scale,時標比較法測頻
frequency measurement by digital meter,用數(shù)字頻率計測頻
frequency measurement by Lissajou's figure,用李沙育圖形測頻
frequency measurement by stroboscope,閃光測頻
frequency measurement by vibrationg reed indicator,用舌簧頻率計測頻
frequency meter,頻率表
frequency modulation(FM),頻率周制,調(diào)頻
frequency of the natural hydraulic mode,液壓固有頻率
frequency output,頻率輸出
frequency-phase characteristic,相頻特性
frequency response,頻率響應
frequency response characteristics,頻率響應特性(圖)
frequency reponse locus,頻率響應軌跡圖
frequency response of microphone,傳聲器頻率響應
frequency response range,頻率響應范圍
frequency resonse tracer,頻率響應顯示儀
frequency shift keying(FSK),頻移鍵控
frequency shift magnetometer,頻移磁強計
frequency sounding instrument,頻率測深儀
frequency spectra induced polarization instrument,頻譜激電儀
frequency stabilization,頻率穩(wěn)定
frequency sweeping,頻率掃描
frequency-temperature coefficient,頻率—溫度系數(shù)
Fresnal diffraction string,費涅爾衍射條紋
friction bezel ring,壓緊蓋環(huán)
friction error,輕敲位移
friction velocity,磨擦速度
front end processor,前端處理機
frontal chromatography,迎頭色譜法
frost point hygrometer,霜點濕度計(表)
full bridge measurement,全橋測量
full capacity trim,全容量閥內(nèi)件
full-load test,滿載試驗
full scale flow-rate,滿標度流量
full-screen editing,全屏莫編輯
full-screen processing(FSP),全屏幕處理
full-wave logger,聲波全波列測井儀
fully developed velocity distrbution,充分發(fā)展的速度分布
fully insulated current transormer,全絕緣電流互感器
fully rough trbulent flow,充分混雜紊流
function analysis,功能分析
function block,功能塊
function key,功能鍵
function module,功能模塊
function type optic-fibre temperature transducer,功能型光纖溫度傳感器
functional block,功能塊
functional decomposition,功能分解
functional insulation,功能絕緣
functional similarity,功能相似
functional simulation,功能仿真
fundamental frequency,基本頻率
fundamental method of measurement,基礎測量法
fundamental natural mode of vibration,基本固有振型
fundamental period,基本周期
fundamental wave,基波
funnel-shaped mud viscometer,漏斗式泥漿粘度計
furnace for reproduction of fixed points,定點爐
furnace for verification use,檢定爐
fuzzy control,模糊控制
fuzzy controller,模糊控制器
fuzzy decision,模糊決策
fuzzy game,模糊對策
fuzzy information,模糊信息
fuzzy logic,模糊邏輯