The FSL206MR integrated Pulse-Width Modulator (PWM) and SenseFET is specifically designed for high performance offline Switched-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) with minimal external components. This device integrates high-voltage power regulators that combine an avalanche-rugged SenseFET with a Current-Mode PWM control block.
The integrated PWM controller includes: 7.8V regulator for no bias winding, Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) protection, Leading-Edge Blanking (LEB), an optimized gate turn-on/turn-off driver, EMI attenuator, Thermal Shutdown (TSD) protection, temperature-compensated precision current sources for loop compensation, and fault-protection circuitry such as; Overload Protection (OLP), Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), Abnormal Over-Current Protection (AOCP), and Line Under-Voltage Protection (LUVP). During startup, the FSL206MR offers good soft-start performance.
The internal high-voltage startup switch and the Burst-Mode operation with very low operating current reduce the power loss in Standby Mode. As a result, it is possible to reach power loss of 150mW with no-bias winding and 25mW (for FSL206MR) or 30mW (for FSL206MRBN) with bias winding at no-load condition when the input voltage is 265VAC.
Internal Avalanche-Rugged SenseFET: 650V
Precision Fixed Operating Frequency: 67kHz
No-Load 150mW at 265VAC without Bias Winding;25mW with Bias Winding for FSL206MR, 30mW with Bias Winding for FSL206MRBN
No Need for Auxiliary Bias Winding
Frequency Modulation for Attenuating EMI
Line Under-Voltage Protection (LUVP)
Pulse-by-Pulse Current Limiting
Low Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
Ultra-Low Operating Current: 300A
Built-In Soft-Start and Startup Circuit
Various Protections: Overload Protection (OLP),Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), Thermal Shutdown (TSD), Abnormal Over-Current Protection (AOCP) Auto-Restart Mode for All Protections
SMPS for STB, DVD, and DVCD Player
SMPS for Auxiliary Power


FSL206MR 5W評估板

圖3.FSL206MR 5W評估板外形圖

圖4.FSL206MR 5W評估板電路圖
FSL206MR 5W評估板材料清單:

圖5.FSL206MR 5W評估板PCB布局圖(頂層)

圖6.FSL206MR 5W評估板PCB布局圖(底層)